16 Ways on How You Can Instantly Change Your State of Mind

Do you want to be able to quickly change your state of mind so you can easily tackle obstacles and master your emotions?

Ever wished you had a magical switch to flick your mindset and emotions around at a moment’s notice?

To navigate the rocky terrains of life with the ease and finesse of an expert rock climber? Well, sit tight because we’re about to board a rollercoaster ride of mind-tweaking strategies that’ll help you do just that.

Picture this. I was in a park, engaged in a deep conversation about a project with a client. Suddenly, our brainstorming session was interrupted by a symphony of young, excited voices. Looking up, we saw the source – two adorable kiddos, barely old enough to tie their own shoelaces.

The elder one was staging his own version of ‘catch the pigeon’, charging towards the birds while belting out a brave “Aaaaaaaaah”. Not to be left behind, his tiny 3-4-year-old brother mimicked him perfectly, producing the most heartfelt, high-pitched battle cry.

It was like watching a live-action cartoon – absolutely charming. But it wasn’t just their antics that intrigued us. We noticed how the younger sibling oscillated between states of mind with such fluidity. One moment he was a pint-sized warrior, the next he was a quiet observer, then an excited explorer, radiating pure joy and curiosity.

It was like watching a masterclass in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), specifically a technique known as “Modeling” – the art of learning through emulation. He was mirroring his elder brother’s behaviour, rapidly shifting his mindset and in the process, learning so much.

You see, young kids are wonderfully open-minded, blissfully free from the constrictive pre-conditioning we adults are so familiar with. They’ll give anything a shot and refuse to back down, even in the face of repeated failure.

Imagine a toddler learning to walk. They watch adults glide effortlessly on two feet and are inspired to replicate it. Despite countless stumbles and tumbles, they persevere until they triumphantly take those first wobbly steps. The burst of pure joy they feel in that moment, that’s something money can’t buy.

Sadly, we adults often forget the power of persistence and the beauty of resilience. We let our minds get rigid, unwilling to switch mental states when we find ourselves stuck in a rut. The idea of ‘appropriate adult behaviour’ seems to have a stranglehold on our ability to adapt our emotions.

Feeling down? Why stay that way? Feeling joyful? Why not cling onto that happiness just because it feels good? No, you don’t need to strut around with an ever-present grin that scares people away! We’re simply suggesting that we, as adults, possess the amazing ability to choose our emotional states and take control of our feelings.

So, the next time you’re facing a hurdle, remember, it’s never as dire as it seems. You can conquer your emotions, flip that switch in your mind, and adopt a positive approach to tackle any obstacle. Now, that’s adult behaviour worth adopting.

What is State of Mind?

A “state of mind” is a temporary psychological state or condition that an individual experiences, shaped by emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. It can significantly influence a person’s perception, behaviour, decision-making, and overall well-being.

Some examples of states of mind include happiness, anxiety, focus, confusion, excitement, and sadness, among others. These mental states can be influenced by numerous factors, such as life events, health status, relationships, environment, and individual personality traits.

For instance, when a person is in a “happy state of mind,” they are likely to perceive things more positively, respond to events with enthusiasm, and generally express contentment and joy. Conversely, someone in a “worried state of mind” may perceive situations as more threatening or problematic than they really are, possibly leading to stress or anxiety.

The concept of “state of mind” is often used in psychology, philosophy, coaching, and cognitive science to understand human behaviour and cognition. It is also a significant factor in the legal field, particularly in cases where a person’s mental state at the time of an incident is relevant to understanding their actions or intentions.

Change Your State of Mind
16 Ways on How You Can Instantly Change Your State of Mind 1

Changing your state of mind is like becoming the skilled captain of your own mental ship. Imagine you’re sailing through the ocean of life where waves of emotions constantly hit. At times, the seas may be calm and serene, and at others, they might get tumultuous and scary.

But remember, you’re the one at the helm. You possess the power to change your state of mind, to alter the course of your emotional journey. Instead of being swayed by the storm of negative emotions, you can choose to sail towards positivity and peace. By making a conscious effort to change your state of mind, you’ll not only weather the storms but also navigate through them with a sense of control and calmness. Embrace this power, take control of your ship, and chart your own path to emotional resilience and happiness.

The Science Behind State of Mind

It’s not merely a concept. The state of mind has a biological basis. When we change our state of mind, we’re actually initiating a cascade of neurochemical changes in our brain. For instance, thinking positive thoughts can boost the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of happiness and well-being.

The Mind-Body Connection

Our physical state can have a profound impact on our mental state. For instance, regular exercise can induce a state of euphoria, known as “runner’s high”, due to the release of endorphins. Likewise, lack of sleep or poor nutrition can lead to a negative state of mind. It’s a two-way street; our mind affects our body, and our body influences our mind.

Try these 16 surefire ways to change your state of mind and become more positive:

1 – Get out of your head and into your body.

Don’t look at things in the abstract—get real, right away. For instance, if you’re worried about money, don’t just think about it in the abstract; sit down with paper and pencil and figure out what needs to be done; write it down; make a plan; decide who you need to talk to; set up a meeting. Being specific takes you out of your head and into the real world where there are concrete solutions that can be implemented. Learn how to manage your emotions and be present.

This technique is backed by the grounding exercises used in mindfulness practices. When you feel overwhelmed, grounding exercises such as the “5-4-3-2-1” technique can help bring you back to the present moment.

2 – Ask yourself questions (and answer them).

If you feel like nothing is working out, ask yourself why? If you feel like things are impossible, ask yourself how? If you feel like something is too big for you, ask yourself what small steps can I take today? And then do them! Asking yourself questions forces your brain to

3 – Smile to change your state of mind

When you smile, you automatically make yourself feel happier. You also make others around you feel happier as well!

Think about something that makes you happy

Thinking about things that make you happy will make you feel happy. It’s as simple as that!

This is supported by the Facial Feedback Hypothesis, which suggests that our facial expressions can influence our emotions.

4 – Relax to change your state of mind

Relaxing is a great way to help release stress and negative feelings from your body and mind. Try doing some deep breathing exercises or taking a bath in a warm tub full of bubbles!

5 – Call up an old friend

Talking with someone who makes you smile and laugh is always a sure-fire way to change your state of mind into one of happiness and positivity!

6 – Go for a walk

Walking outside in nature has many benefits, including reducing stress levels by 40%! So get those shoes on and go for a hike this will get you thinking differently and hence change your state of mind.

7 – Stop overthinking

We all know this is easier said than done, but at the end of the day, we have the power to control our thoughts and what we tell ourselves.

The more you think about something, the more it will continue to bother you.

8 – Be present

A lot of us live in the past or in the future. Don’t be stuck on what happened in the past, or how things are going to play out in the future.

Take each day as it comes and focus on being productive for that day.

9 – Take a break

If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take a break and go for a walk, read a book or talk to a friend. Do whatever it takes to get your mind off of things. Even if it’s just 10 minutes, that can really help you refocus and come back stronger.

10 – Practice gratitude

It’s important to appreciate what we have and find joy in small things throughout our day. There are always things to be grateful for, even when you’re having a bad day!

11 – Meditate or do yoga to change your state of mind

Meditation and yoga are great ways to clear your mind and focus on your breathing and body movements. This can help reduce stress and anxiety

12 – Say it a new way

When you can’t change the situation or people around you, you can change how you view the problem. The next time you find yourself complaining, stop and say it a new way.

13 – Don’t get caught up in the story

If you want to be happy, don’t get caught up in the story of your life. We all have a story of who we are and what we’ve gone through in life. It’s our job to update this story as we grow and learn. Constantly replaying our stories never serves us well. If your story is making you unhappy, update it!

14 – Change your posture

Your posture affects your mood more than you think! When we feel down, our bodies tend to slouch forward, which can lead to feelings of sadness and low confidence. Practicing good posture with shoulders back, chest out and open will make you look strong and confident and make you feel that way too. It’s impossible to frown when your face is open like this! Try it now – smile! Feel better?

15 – Visualize

The power of visualization is a topic that I have touched on before in my article on the science of visualization. So if you haven’t heard about the power of visualization yet, I suggest you start there first.

Visualization is basically creating a mental image of what you want to happen, how you want things to be, or how you want to feel. You create this image in your mind by effectively tricking yourself into believing that it has come true, which in turn will influence your behaviour and habits as well as your attitude and beliefs.

But why does it work? Because our brains cannot distinguish between what is real and what is not real when we create an image in our mind. This is because we use the same parts of our brain for both, which means that if we are able to visualize something vividly enough – then it will be almost as if it has already happened in our minds.

Elite athletes use visualization techniques to improve their performance. It’s a mental rehearsal of what they want to achieve, and it prepares the mind and body for real-life action.

16 – Use Affirmations change your state of mind

Affirmations are basically positive statements that aim to challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more positive ones. They are similar to visualizations but instead of using images they rely on rewording negative thoughts into more positive ones.

Positive affirmations can reshape neural pathways in the brain, making it easier to adopt and maintain a positive mindset over time.

External Influences on the State of Mind

Your surroundings play a pivotal role in shaping your mental state. Cluttered spaces can lead to a cluttered mind. On the other hand, serene environments like nature can have a calming effect on the mind. Social interactions, especially with loved ones, can also significantly uplift your state of mind.

The Role of Media

Our state of mind is constantly influenced by what we consume online. It’s essential to be aware of the kind of content we engage with, as it can either elevate our mood or lead us down a spiral of negativity.

Holistic Well-being

Your state of mind doesn’t operate in isolation. It’s intrinsically linked to your overall well-being. For a consistently positive state of mind, focus on holistic health which includes mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

Incorporate Habits

While the article mentions several techniques to change the state of mind instantly, building long-term habits can ensure a sustained positive mindset. Habits like journaling, setting intentions for the day, or engaging in a hobby can serve as anchors to maintain a positive state of mind.


In conclusion, your state of mind is an incredibly powerful tool, capable of significantly shaping your experiences and interactions with the world around you. It can sway your perceptions, guide your responses, and deeply influence your overall well-being. What’s fascinating is that it’s not a fixed attribute but a fluid entity that you can shape and control.

Children naturally tap into this ability to adapt their states of mind, using it as a means to learn, explore, and navigate through their experiences. As we transition into adulthood, we often lose sight of this innate talent, limiting ourselves to specific emotional states dictated by social norms and expectations. However, with awareness and effort, we can reclaim this ability, choosing how we wish to feel and react.

Being mindful of your state of mind, actively choosing positivity over negativity, and resilience over surrender, can drastically improve your life quality. It’s about breaking free from societal constructs and embracing the power we all possess. After all, mastering your state of mind is not about denying genuine emotions but understanding that you have the ability to influence how you experience and respond to life’s myriad situations. It’s truly one of the greatest superpowers you can possess!

While it’s empowering to know that we can change our state of mind at will, it’s equally important to acknowledge and accept our feelings without judgment. Every emotion, be it positive or negative, serves a purpose and teaches us something about ourselves. Embrace them, understand them, and then use the tools at your disposal to navigate your mental journey.


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