Increase Your Sales With Postcard Marketing

Have You Tried Postcard Marketing?

This may sound old skool but it can still work. In fact it may work better now than before. (Direct mailing)

When you sift through your day’s mail, what’s the first thing you do? Even before you start sorting your mail and dumping it into the round file, you look at your postcards.

Why?  Because they’re easy to see.

The postcard immediately gets your undivided attention, at least for several moments. Most of the time, that’s more than regular direct mail gets. 

As humans, we are naturally curious.  If the graphic or headline grabs you, you’ll want to read everything it has to say, so flipping over a postcard to see what’s on the other side is a natural thing to do. 

For ROI (return on investment), 

postcards have by far the highest return

Postcards don’t require your prospect to open an envelope, unfold a letter and read a long page of writing to decide if the message is interesting or relevant. Perhaps the greatest single benefit of the postcard format is its ability to get the maximum number of people to actually read your offer

Postcard prospecting is economical and effective. The humble little postcard is the ultimate cost-saving weapon because of its ability to cut through the marketing clutter and preserve your bottom line when compared to other marketing vehicles. 

Anatomy of a Postcard for Postcard Marketing

The Billboard Side

The billboard side of your postcard is the attention-getting side. It is the side that usually displays the graphic. On the billboard side it’s important to have an attention-grabbing headline that says, “Read me!”   

  • Billboard Side Headline –  Limit your text to 6 or 7 high-impact words 
  • Billboard Transition – Include a short transition phrase on the billboard side — especially one with a series of dots — entices the reader to turn the postcard over to get the rest of the message.  For example:  

The secret to a life of easy income is…

After a long hard day, wouldn’t you like to…

Falling asleep has been easier now that …

The Face Side

The face side of a postcard is the side where the postage stamp is affixed. It is considered the “front” of the postcard by the postal service. This is also your prime selling space.  

  • Face Headline –Your face headline may either continue your billboard headline or stand by itself. When your prospects turn to the face of the postcard, they should be impacted with information that supports the main benefit offered.  
  • Face Graphic – If you billboard side has just words then you may consider putting a graphic on the face side. Remember, the idea with a postcard is to associate an image with an idea. Your graphic should reinforce your billboard message.


Use the same guidelines for using graphics that you would in any advertisement:

  • Use photographs instead of illustrations.  People trust pictures more than drawings.
  • Show a picture of your target audience. When targeting women, use photos of women. When targeting men, use men in your photos 
  • Action pictures are very effective.  If your product a hot tub, show people frolicking in one. 
  • Show the benefit.   If your mattress provides superior rest, show a person sleeping peacefully
  • Show a before-and-after story.  This is often used with weight loss
  • Leaving white space allows your reader’s eyes to rest, which makes reading the text a pleasant experience.   Try leaving extra space around your headline, using wider margins around the edges of the message and between columns.

Body Copy 

Your body copy is used to describe your offer and its benefits. You don’t get much real estate on the face of your postcard so every line is critical. Make sure that every word is attention-getting or provocative.

Call-To-Action / Closing

A postcard doesn’t make the sale.  It motivates the consumer to take the next step on the sales journey, and that’s to contact you.  Examples of calls-to-action include:

“Phone our toll-free number now! xxx-xxx-xxxx” 

“Go to now for your free report!”

“Come to our store before Friday and enter to win…” 

Special Symbols

Some postcards may contain attention-drawing bulleted or checkmark-ed lists to point out benefits. Other postcards include sidebars — small boxes or colored areas that highlight a special bonus or important information. 


The Step-by-Step Guide to Postcard Marketing Success

The next time you pick up (find lol) a postcard, be aware of the process the marketer is trying to make your go through as you review it.  

  • An interesting graphic catches your eye
  • The graphic then leads your eye to the transition copy.
  • The transition copy compels you to look at the face side of the postcard.
  • The face side carries headline copy so compelling that you immediately move along to the body copy.
  • The opening paragraph is so intriguing that you want to read the entire benefit-rich body copy.
  • The total impact of the postcard is so profound that the deal is closed and you want to “Call Now” to “Buy Now.”

If at First You Don’t Succeed…

The likelihood of a response to direct mailing increases as the prospect continues to be exposed to your message. You should consider sending a series of postcards that trail each other every few days to make an impression on your prospect. 

Each postcard should be “linked” to the previous message in some way. You might simply continue your conversation with your prospect on each postcard. 

Although direct mail marketers generally recommend up to seven messages, with postcards, a series of 3-5 should be enough prodding to draw interest and motivate your prospect to take action. 

Rules and Regulations

Your postcard won’t do you a bit of good if it’s returned to sender due to insufficient postage.  And your postcard won’t save you money if it can’t go for reduced postcard rates.

An oversize postcard will mail at a higher rate than a standard postcard.  Don’t undertake a postcard-campaign to save money and then blow it by using an outsized mailer.  Remember:

  • A standard 4” x 6” index card can be mailed at the postcard rate, but a 3” x 5” card cannot (below minimum). 
  • A standard 8.5” x 11” sheet of index stock paper cut into four equal pieces will produce four 4.25” x 5.5” postcards which qualify for reduced postcard postage rates.

The only regulations you really need to know about postcards concern size, paper thickness, and paper color. 

  • Minimum size for a postcard is 3.5’ inches high and 5 inches long. 
  • Maximum size is 4.25’ high by 6 inches long. 
  • Minimum paper thickness is .007 inches
  • Maximum thickness is .016 inches. 

To make is easy, use paper designated as 60-lb. card stock

Postal regulations prohibit using “brilliant colors”, which means no fluorescent pinks, yellows, oranges etc.

Okay, you’re set.  Now get out there are post those cards!

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