9 Simple Steps You Can Apply Right Away to Grow Your Business and Position Yourself As An Expert Authority With Your Skills and Knowldge online. (Ideal for Coaches, Consultants, Entrepreneurs, Mentors, Influencers, Speakers, Authors, Facilitators, Teachers and Trainers)
- How to position yourself as an expert authority
- Step 1 – Identify Your Zone of Genius
- Step 2 – Challenge Your Own Assumptions
- Step 3 – Your story, your brand
- Step 4 – Update Your Bio with Specifics
- Step 5 – A picture is worth a thousand words
- Step 6 – Brag a Little
- Step 7 – Speak Your Piece
- Step 8 – Gather testimonials
- Step 9 – There’s More to Life Than Business
- Think You’re Not ‘Expert’ Material? Think Again…
- You Can “Borrow” Credibility From Trusted Authorities And Experts
- Conclusion
Your Credibility and Experience is the Key to a Growing Business and positioning your self as an expert authority.
Think about the last time you hired a contractor, either for your business or to do something around your home. Did you look for the lowest price, or did you look for someone with experience? Did you check the contractor’s references, or just take his word at face value?
You likely have heard the old adage, “you get what you pay for,” and usually, when you hire someone simply based on the lowest price, you’ll get someone who’s not as experienced as the higher-priced contractor. Lack of experience can lead to mistakes, and sometimes they are costly. And let’s face it, not everybody is as honest as you are, so if you’re not checking references, you might get scammed.
What’s the lesson here? Successful businesses stay afloat when they gain years of experience and build their credibility with their audience. These business owners learn from their own mistakes, adjust the way they do business when something doesn’t work and are willing to share their knowledge with their clients prior to being hired.
Fans will flock to businesses with a good track record and good customer reviews. It stands to reason that an influx of customers means hiring more team members and making more sales, thereby growing your business.
Now let’s put YOU into this equation. You should always charge what you’re worth because if you undercut your competition, that will bring in the tire kickers who aren’t serious customers and may still ask you for a discount. This is not the audience base that will allow your business to grow.
You should also showcase your expertise online and offline. Never be afraid to market yourself because you can’t control the search engine rankings and you don’t want to depend on ‘hope’ marketing. That’s a very passive way to run your business; HOPING that people will find you.
Be visible online and offline, be vocal, tell people what you do, share your experiences, offer advice. This will build your credibility and you will gain more visibility, thereby gaining new followers and potential new clients.
No matter what stage of business you’re in today, whether you just opened your doors or have had a string of clients for years, today is the day to concentrate on building your credibility and sharing your expertise with the world.
This is no time to be a wallflower, especially if you have big dreams of growing your team, hitting a certain income milestone, selling a certain number of products, or booking a guest appearance on The Today Show. Be proud of your success and plan on sharing it with your audience.
Free Workbook Inside The Dojo – Click Here For FREE Account
Please Note: You can access the workbook for this guide inside the Authority Dojo. Click the link above to create your free member level access and then navigate to the Library tab and click on How To Showcase Your Credibility, Skills and Knowledge Online and Download the Grow your authority workbook from the download section.

Step 1 – Identify Your Zone of Genius
How do you want to be perceived: as a Jill-of-All-Trades who helps everyone under the sun and offers generic, one-size-fits-all solutions? Or as a specialist who has experience in a certain field with customized advice and proven results?
You should want the latter.
While it’s tempting to want to help everyone and you may think this is the best way to reach your income goals, being a Jill-of-All-Trades will not build your credibility and will spread your time and experience too thin.
It’s virtually impossible to know everything about everything, and doing hours and hours of research on multiple topics isn’t cost-effective. Just accepting clients to fill your calendar is a disservice to your clients and to yourself.
However, when you are a specialist in your chosen field, your credibility increases and you can identify your target market and joint venture partners more easily. As a specialist, you already have years of work experience. You enjoy the field, so you’ll want to stay up-to-date on the latest news and technology.
You may even publish a book or produce a signature program, thereby increasing your revenue, your reach, and your name recognition.
Based on your extensive experience, you may also hear from media contacts for interviews or quotes for a news story. Media exposure leads to even bigger reach, name recognition, and possibly more revenue than you had before.
Yes, it’s much better to be known as a specialist.
Think of it this way. Albert Einstein was an undisputed genius in physics and math. Based on the fact that he was constantly questioning and doing research if anybody ever had a question about physics, no doubt they would be told to, “go ask Albert.” He was the go-to person of his time.
Could Einstein answer questions about music, writing, or other sciences? Possibly. But his passion was for physics; it’s what brought him to life every day, and it’s what possessed him to continue doing research in his spare time after college. It’s what earned him the Nobel Prize in 1921. His speciality in physics is what earned him a place in history to this day.
Aim to be a specialist.
How do you choose your speciality or niche? Start off by asking yourself a few simple questions about your skills, knowledge, expertise, passions and your education, what you like and dislike, and what topic could you talk about all day long. Also, acknowledge the work that you’re currently doing and analyze if you enjoy it or if you need a change.
Step 2 – Challenge Your Own Assumptions
Negative self-talk and making assumptions about what people will do or buy can be the downfall of any business owner. How many times have you had an idea for a signature product but never followed through with it, only to see a similar product launch a few months later?
How often do business owners think inside the box, not acknowledging changes in their market or buying pattern changes, only to be outsmarted with a competitor’s latest innovation?
How many times have you talked yourself out of creating a product or class, simply because you think everybody already knows this information?
On a smaller scale, how many webinars have you cancelled because you couldn’t think of how to put an original spin on your chosen topic? Could it be that you’re overthinking these things?
Competition is healthy. It means there’s a need for your service or product, and there’s an audience who is willing to pay for that service or product. Have you ever looked at the number of cosmetic stores in the mall? Inside those stores, there are hundreds of products from multiple manufacturers, all promising to do the same thing.
There are slight differences between these brands, whether it’s the ingredients, the durability, the company’s image, or the way they advertise to their market, but they basically sell the same type of products.
Now think of your niche and your target market. Remember, the competition is OK!
- Are your competitors local?
- What do they offer?
- What market(s) do they serve?
- What can you offer that they don’t?
- What makes you different?
- How does your experience differ from theirs?
- Do they have better name recognition than you?
- What is your niche and what does your target market need from you?
- What problems does your market have?
- How can you connect with your target market?
- What makes you similar to them?
In the end, your clients will seek YOU out for your personality. They will learn to know, like, and trust you, but you need to learn how to speak to them authentically so they will turn toward you instead of a competitor.
Step 3 – Your story, your brand
Do you have a story that lends credibility to your brand? What makes you unique and will attract your ideal clients to you?
Maybe you lost 100 pounds. Did you leave a full-time job to work completely online? Or do you have a passion or charity that your business supports? Why did you choose that one?
Your life experiences – or your story – often play into the development of your personal brand. And your personal brand is so much more than your logo and the colours on your website. Personal branding is about the image you put out into the world, how others see you.
In turn, your website, photos, and the language in your blog posts should all reflect and align with your personal brand. When you meet followers at an event or when they see you in a Facebook Live video, their perception should be consistent and accurately reflect the image they perceive from your online presence. People are drawn to those who are authentic, honest, and approachable.
If you’ve never thought about your ideal readers or clients before, now is the time to think about their attributes and create an avatar – a detailed description – including their demographics, struggles, and what their life is like on a daily basis.
Get as detailed as possible. Give your avatar a name, and describe their family and living situation, including their age. List their struggles and what answers are they searching for.
Before you dismiss this as a creative writing assignment, think of it this way: creating an avatar is giving life to your ideal reader. You want to attract people who will identify with your story, want your answers, and engage with you.
When you draw this detailed picture, you know exactly who you are speaking to. You know where you can find them online and in real life. You will stay focused on this ideal reader even if you’re tempted to target another audience. This is the audience you are most able to assist and who needs your help the most.
As you complete this assignment, you may find that, based on your own demographics and experience, you are a part of your target market. That’s perfectly fine. It simply means that you have a personal stake in finding solutions for these people, and you will be able to identify with their struggles easier than someone who has different experiences.
Download the worksheet – Take one extra moment to compare your answers in this exercise with the answers you gave in step 4 exercise. These demographics should match up with your thoughts about your target market and how your product or service can help your market.
If you notice any inconsistencies or differences, make changes along the way and re-think who your market really is and how you can best help them.
Step 4 – Update Your Bio with Specifics
Your professional bio is more than just listing where you live and where you went to school. Your bio is a sure-fire way to build your credibility and authority in the short amount of time people read or scan it.
Start by listing your most recent accomplishments.
- Did you make the New York Times bestseller list?
- Are you an Amazon bestseller?
- Were you featured in a magazine or newspaper article?
- Were you a keynote speaker at a live event?
- Did you become an international speaker?
- Were you inducted into the Clickfunnels’ 2 Comma Club?
- Did you compete in a triathlon?
- Run your first marathon?
- Form a foundation to help your local community?
These are just some examples of worthwhile achievements people want to know about.
If you graduated college 10+ years ago, that achievement should make its way toward the bottom of the list (even if you’re still proud to be an alum). People want to know what you are doing now or most recently, not where you were more than 10 years ago.
Do you have a title? Whether it’s a Dr. in front of your name or a series of impressive letters after your name, use that title in professional circles. It’s not bragging; it’s building your credibility and authority and proving to others you meet that you are educated and know what you’re talking about.
Why do you need a professional bio? You’re looking to grow your business and your credibility, right? So publishing a bio to your website tells masses of people all about you and why you’re an expert. Bios are also printed in event programs if you’re a speaker, and parts of it will be read by the interviewer when you’re giving an interview. Articles that you write and publish on other sites will likely include an author’s bio.
Professional bios that are published online also assist the media and anyone who may be searching for experts in your field. After doing a quick Google search and seeing your bio, they will know you’re the expert who can answer their questions or who can speak to their group.
In short, people want to learn more about you and your experience, so there’s no better way to inform the masses than creating a professional bio.
Step 5 – A picture is worth a thousand words
Have you noticed how almost every post on Facebook has a photo attached? There’s a good reason for it: visual content grabs people’s attention and will make them stop, react, and possibly leave a comment on your post.
Instagram is all about photos. The more beautiful the settings and/or colors, the more people will stop to react to it, thus gaining even more attention for your profile and hopefully gaining more followers.
The more people who react and comment on your photos and posts, the more social proof you gain, convincing the social media platforms and your followers that you are an important person with great authority. You engage with others, and therefore they should show your posts to more and more people.
Outside of social media, photos are a way to save precious memories.
Did you speak on the same stage as one of your mentors? Get a photo with that mentor and post to your blog and social media. Are you a fashion blogger who nabbed front row seats at a New York fashion week runway show? Better snap a few photos to showcase on your blog and social sites, which will certainly impress your readers and social followers.
Not a fan of attending live events? No problem. Snap selfies in your home office. Share proofs of your latest photo session. Document your hiking treks or other outdoor adventures that show your audience how you enjoy spending your free time.
Showcase your newest website design with logo and color palate. Invite your favorite pet into a few pictures for immediate engagement (people love seeing pets and children in photos!) or document your travels to other states or faraway countries.
Even though these may not be “business-related” photos, you’re still interacting with your followers and showing them that you’re a real person. Plus, those who wisely invest in photo shoots and professionally-designed websites and logos are already perceived as “experts.”
These simple snapshots are proof positive that you’re serious about your job, have the connections to get into exclusive events, care about serving your audience, and you’re not a fraud. Anybody can create an online persona in any field or related to any subject, so improve your credibility by sharing these great photos and do so without guilt. You’re the real deal, so share that with your readers and followers.
Step 6 – Brag a Little
Add more social proof to your professional bio by listing television and radio appearances on your website. Much the same way that photos catch people’s attention, showing the logos and/or names of television programs you’ve been on proves that you’re an expert and shows other reporters or media hosts that you know how to handle yourself in an interview or panel discussion.
No matter how short or how long the segment, if it’s work that you’re proud of, and especially if the name of the show is nationally recognized, take the credit, invite people to view that clip, and list it on the media page of your website.
Well-known speaker and author Carrie Wilkerson goes one step further and showcases her appearances very tastefully on the home page of her website, just below the fold. Of course, she has her own professional photo, video link, and contact info at the top of her home page but just as you scroll down you see the banner that shows her guest appearances. This section is further social proof to any media producer that Carrie is a professional and has experience in television.
Don’t shy away from this exercise because you haven’t been featured anywhere big yet! Everyone starts at the bottom; it’s up to you to climb your way up and showcase your expertise. This process certainly doesn’t happen overnight; consider each step along the way as a baby step leading to a big interview or speaking engagement.
Marketing yourself and increasing your visibility and credibility will lead to great things, but you have to put in the work by planning which outlets to contact.
Start small to get your feet wet. Start with a few podcast interviews (heck, some podcasters have many thousands of listeners for each episode, so don’t discount all podcasters as small time) or contact a local media outlet and pitch a story idea. Register with HARO (Help A Reporter Out) as a source and be on the lookout for relevant and time-sensitive leads that come to your inbox.
One Big Tip
If you are positioning yourself as an expert and want the media to contact you, please include clear contact information on your website! If it’s not clear how to reach you within one minute, producers will move to the next person on their list. Media producers are often under tight, tight deadlines, so avoid using only a contact form. Include an up-to-date phone number and make it as easy as possible for producers to contact you
Step 7 – Speak Your Piece
Showcasing your expertise doesn’t mean sitting quietly in a corner, waiting for someone to ask you a question so you can explain your point of view. Building your credibility and increasing your visibility are ongoing processes that just don’t stop until you want to retire.
One way to get your voice heard is to speak to live audiences. Yes, that may be a daunting task, but the more practice you get, the easier it will become. And don’t think you need to book a concert hall your first time out. That likely won’t happen, but look for local opportunities right in your hometown.
- Schedule a book tour and speak to your readers or share a chapter of your book in a live reading.
- Book a town hall-style meeting in your community to speak about your passion and to answer questions from the audience.
- Join a networking group and/or your local Chamber of Commerce and take advantage of speaking opportunities within those groups.
- Find a local Toastmasters International club where the primary goal is to prepare people for a life of public speaking.
As you become more comfortable with these smaller venues, you’ll hone your speaking skills as well as your story and you can then search for the larger venues and opportunities.
Once you have that first speaking gig under your belt – no matter how small and local it may be – add a speaker page to your website. Essentially, this is a web page that is selling YOU to the event planners who need speakers at their events.
Like the media credits we spoke about earlier, adding the speaking venues and events to a separate page, along with contact information, video clips, and topics on which you speak will build your credibility as an expert, as well as aid event managers and producers. As always, make your speaking page clear on the home page navigation so organizers don’t have to search high and low for the information.
Other things to include on this speaker page are:
- Calendar of upcoming events
- Testimonials from audience members or meeting planners
- Download link to a speaker one-sheet that organisers can print
- Media pack
Step 8 – Gather testimonials
Testimonials from those who have worked with you – either on a one-to-one basis, as a JV partner, or as an event organiser – is more proof that you are a professional expert who can handle themselves under pressure. Think of these testimonials as you would online reviews for a product. The more positive reviews a product receives, the more comfortable you are making that purchase.
The same is true for testimonials. The more rave reviews people give you, the more likely you will get new clients or booked for another speaking event. These are your positive reviews that you delivered what you promised, that your clients experienced tremendous growth, and that your message was well received.
Never be afraid to ask for a testimonial. Doing this may not be foremost on someone’s mind nor are people prone to write reviews or testimonials without being asked, so ask gently in an email or a private message on social media. Follow up after two weeks if you still haven’t seen it.
How much longer you follow up really depends on the relationship you have with this person. There’s a fine line between asking and following up on a testimonial and being annoying or perceived as a pest who won’t go away.
More Ways to Get Great Testimonials
While you can – and certainly should – be asking your clients for testimonials on a one-to-one basis, you can also easily automate the process as well. The simplest way to automate is to add a review request email to your autoresponder sequence.
Several days after a purchase, buyers should receive a short email asking for a review of your program. This works well for eBooks and other short-format product, and can be a part of every new product set up.
For longer programs or one-to-one coaching, consider adding an “exit interview” appointment via Zoom. You’ll gather valuable information for improvements to your program, and be able to record and edit for a testimonial, too.
Here’s another fabulous way to gather video testimonials: interview your graduates on a Facebook Live. Showcase them in your groups and on your business page, and post the recording on your testimonials page.
Step 9 – There’s More to Life Than Business
One of the easiest ways to encourage people to like you (which is the first step towards finding clients, booking speaking engagements, and selling your products) is to be social, share parts of your personal life, and relate to people.
People are obsessed with social media, but sometimes get caught up in the media part: how their photos look; what graphic editor they should use; which font looks prettier, etc. Step back for a moment and remember that being social – engaging people on their posts and answering their questions – is actually more important than how great your graphic looks.
You can post the most gorgeous graphics in the world, but if you don’t interact with people, you’re putting a vibe out to the world that you don’t care about them and don’t want to be bothered.
Ask people questions in your posts. If you’re trying to decide which book to read or what movie to watch, ask your audience for opinions. Headed out to the county fair?
Take some pictures of the amusements, food vendors, or concerts. Just because you are growing a business does not mean you don’t have fun. Let your followers know that you’re just a regular person who’s balancing a business with their family time and social lives.
Being social in real life situations is also vitally important, especially when you’re at business functions or networking events. Even if you’re with your family at the fair, if a follower starts up a conversation, engage with them.
A quick two-minute conversation will earn you new followers if that person then boasts about how they met you and how gracious you were. If you decide to ignore them, that bad news will get circulated around the social media world pretty fast, too.
Authenticity is a buzz word that is spoken about quite a bit, and it’s very important to be authentic in everything you do. Don’t create a fake persona; you’re not an actress looking to win an Oscar. You’re a business person and a regular person, so come across that way. Honesty and integrity and authenticity will all play a large role in how successful your business becomes.
One Note About Sharing
Sometimes people share too much and it makes for uncomfortable situations. Stick with your common sense and avoid any kind of negativity, religion, politics, or other hot-button topics that lead to nasty name calling. The same is true for sharing too much of your personal life.
Nobody wants to follow or hire someone who is constantly complaining, so keep your vents off Facebook. If religion or politics are your area of expertise, then you already know how to handle yourself in a debate and probably have pretty thick skin from the name calling.
Similar concerns arise when sharing family photos or pictures of your kids. Some avoid it at all costs, others post kid pictures every single day. Use your best judgment, especially since kid pictures are usually a prime source of engagement on social media.Free Workbook Inside The Dojo – Click Here For FREE Account
Please Note: You can access the workbook for this guide inside the Authority Dojo. Click the button above to create your free member level access and then navigate to the Library tab and click on How To Showcase Your Credibility, Skills and Knowledge Online and Download the Grow your authority workbook from the download section.
Think You’re Not ‘Expert’ Material? Think Again…
When you’re an expert, you command respect in your niche. People listen to you, they pay attention to what you say and most of all they buy your products.
Being the expert in your own niche is like writing your own ticket to freedom.
Granted, you’re never going to become “The Expert” in a massive field such as weight loss.
But niche it down to “Weight loss for new mothers” or “Weight loss for brides-to-be” or Weight loss for video gamers,” and you can indeed become the expert in your niche.
I was reading Russell Brunson’s new book, “Expert Secrets,” and it starts out by giving some examples of just how easy it is to become an expert.
When Russell was in college, he tried internet marketing but failed. Then on spring break when he was bored out of his mind, he and a friend decided to build a potato gun.
The thing was, they didn’t know HOW to build a potato gun. It just sounded like fun. So they started doing some research.
They discovered things like the correct barrel-to-chamber volume ratio, the right propellants to use, the correct pressure for the pipes, how NOT to blow themselves up and a whole lot more.
Armed with this information, they went to the store and bought their supplies. Then they spent the next few days building the gun, finding a place to shoot it and yes, shooting the gun itself.
They had a great time, and when Russell was in school the next week listening to the professor drone on, he thought about how he’d rather be shooting his potato gun. Then he wondered if there weren’t other people who would rather be shooting a potato gun as well.
Russell checked, and sure enough: the previous month there had been 18,000 searches for the term, ‘potato gun plans.’
Russell talked his friend into creating a DVD on how to source the items needed for building a potato gun, and how to build the gun itself.
Then he sold this DVD online. While he didn’t make a fortune, he did earn enough to get excited about online marketing and his new career was born.
Notice in the above scenario what Russell did to become an expert. He picked a topic he was interested in, researched it, experimented and did his own work, and then created a video.
Not exactly hard work, was it?
Russell gives a few more examples of people who became ‘experts’ in the same manner:
Jacob Hiller always wanted to dunk a basketball, but he was lousy at it. So he started doing research to discover techniques to improve his ability to jump. Every time he found a technique that worked, he made a video.
At first nobody was paying attention, but after awhile he had 100 followers, then 1,000 followers, and pretty soon he had 10,000 followers.
So he made a product and built a company that makes millions of dollars teaching people how to jump. Crazy, but true.
Jermaine Griggs had trouble reading sheet music, so learned to play piano by ear. Now he makes millions teaching others to do the same.
Liz Benny was an excellent social media manager, but it wasn’t until she began teaching others what she knew that she started making millions.
Robert G. Allen once said that he made millions doing real estate deals, but he made hundreds of millions of dollars teaching real estate.
Think of that – he made MILLIONS doing real estate deals, but he made HUNDREDS of millions teaching others what he learned.
Are you an expert at something that other people want to learn? Then as Russell says, you are just one funnel away from making millions.
But maybe you don’t have the expertise yet – that’s okay. As you can see from the above examples, every one of these folks learned to be an expert first and then built their business teaching others to do what they did.
Even Russell wasn’t born an internet marketing guru. He studied and practised and worked to become what he is today.
And the same goes for me and every single expert making 7 figures on the internet.
One last thing – you might already be an expert, but you’ve got a voice inside your head saying, “Who am I to teach others? I’m nobody special.”
You are indeed special but you just don’t know it yet.
What you know comes easy to you because precisely because you’ve studied and practiced.
Yet to most people, what you know seems like something very difficult.
They need your help.
They WANT your help.
So ask yourself this question: Who are you to deny them the help they need and want?
Think about all the people you can help with your skill. By focusing not on the money you’ll earn, but instead focusing on helping others, you can build a 7-figure business you can feel great about.
And by the way, you can get Russell’s book, “Expert Secrets,” for free, here.
You Can “Borrow” Credibility From Trusted Authorities And Experts
I’ve already mentioned that savvy consumers look at advertising messages with doubt. This can make marketing especially difficult if you have a start-up product or service that has not yet built its reputation for quality and service.
But even a Doubting Thomas (or Doubting Debbie) can be persuaded to buy when the advertising message is delivered by a well-known authority or person of power and influence.
And you can “borrow” credibility from trusted authorities and experts
When Authorities Talk, Everybody Listens
Most consumers are more than happy to abdicate the tedious process of informed decision-making to someone else. They’re even willing to do so without carefully considering all the facts.
Without solid information as their guide, consumers turn to messages and suggestions from famous people, especially if those people are experts.
But expertise is NOT required for authority. Simple celebrity seems to work just as well.
I’m Not A Doctor, But I Play One on TV
Research shows that the three characteristics most associated with persuasiveness are perceived authority, honesty, and likeability. And it’s these three characteristics that we’re likely to attribute to celebrities.
Associating a brand with a top-notch celebrity create linkages with the star’s appeal, thereby adding refreshing and new dimensions to your “brand image.”
The use of celebrity advertising is a winning combination of image-building and product marketing. This phenomenon is reflected in the market research finding that 8 out of 10 TV commercials scoring the highest recall were those with celebrity appearances.
People remember the messages…and they believe.
Just like a sat nav, in life you must first identify where you currently are. Only when you know where you are currently are can you start to put a plan in place to get to your destination. But sometimes one does not know what the destination is?
For an expert the journey usually goes like this.
First, you are not sure what todo, or who to help or what problem you can help solve. Once you then find out and decide, you then learn and educate yourself and become an expert in that space. Your skills and knowledge or life experience is then used to help others.
When you have helped enough people and you have a proven method, this then becomes your methodology or signature system or flagship training or course both on and offline, you may have multiple mythologies and courses too. You then start to teach it to others so they too can get results, they get a certificate. Sooner or later your students become good and ask if they can be certified or trained in your methodology so they too can then go out and help and teach others and make impact.
Some will just add it to their already existing life tools/ skills and utilise it where they need. Some experts don’t do this and some will. When you start to certify others you are most likely by then well known in your space. So you grow and scale from there.
So the question is, where are you currently and where do you want to get to?
1 – You are new, unsure and do not yet know what skills and knowledge you have to help others. You are not yet sure what problem you can solve or what niche to get into – If that’s you then click here.
2- You have a business but its young, or you may be struggling to grow and grow your reach. You are looking for clients but are not sure what to do next or how to do something that will take you up a notch. You may be over whelmed by tech or just don’t have a blueprint or a clear path way. You may not yet have a signature system, or are lacking in systems and structure. – If thats you click here or need guided help click here
3- You want to build better relationships with your clients and audience. If that’s you click here
4 – You have methodology, skills and knowledge and just want to make and launch an online course. If thats you click here.
5- You have a courses and training but now you want to do group coaching and scale. – If thats you click here
6 – You have business, signature course/training. You have trained others but now want to certify students into your proven methodology so need to create a certification program so that your students too can go out there and make an impact. If thats you are are looking to grow your business to the next level click here.