Hey, hey, hey, how’s it going? Um, It’s me Jatinder in the park today. And uh, just going to be walking and talking. And today what I’m going to be having a conversation about is when is it good to use your name as your personal brand message and for your marketing products and services? And when is it a good time to use like a business name, um, for your products and services? Now the reason I’m going to be talking about this is because if you’re a coach, consultant, author, speaker, that type of subject matter expert, this is a bit of a conundrum that, uh, these experts face because they’re not too sure whether they should be going out there using their actual name, like [jatinderpalaha.com com for example, as the main marketing drive or whether they should be using, um, like an idea or a concept or a brand name that come up with.
Because a lot of times people come up with the company name and whether they should be using a company name for the marketing such as bigfanta.com For example. Ah, yeah, I’m just getting a cheeky plug in here as well. And um, I’m just going to be windy and the thing is they’re both works in their own way and it really, really depends on what it is that you’re trying to do. And I, for example, if you’re an entrepreneur, you may be doing many things. So for you having a brand name, sorry, having your name as the main brand where you can send people to works quite well because when they go to your website, acts as a profiler website, you know, they’ll have who you are, what you’re all about, the kind of project you’re working on. Um, the different things you’re up to.
And if you have, let’s say some sort of product, um, say if you are some sort of methodology or process that you use, then you may use that process or methodology name as your main kind of drive marketing arm. And the best way to go by having a thought about what’s gonna work best for you. It’s ideal to basically get a piece of paper, write out everything that you’re doing on that piece of paper and what is it that you’re currently going to be working on, where you’re going to be spending most of your time and activities on in promoting and getting out the ocean current kind of project. If you’re going to be doing multiple projects, then it’s probably best to use your name domain as a profiler website and then use your methodology name as the kind of marketing arm because people are online and if they come across you, they connect with you, they’re most likely going to use your, or they’re going to Google you.
If they Google you, they’re basically gonna come up with your profiler site and your profile. A site can then direct people to where they need to go, which works really well. So from that profile site you can then drive them to your methodology. For example, I have faced a similar kind of conundrum as well. I was thinking about, or what am I doing? I mean, I initially started off using a company name and a, this was my, uh, this in my web design agency, bigfanta.com. So initially I started off creating websites for small businesses and at the time, uh, we’re going back like 14, 15 years now, actually a bit longer because I started straight out of Uni with that and actually formed the company later on. But the name was used before that. And back then, uh, like your personal brand and being an authority probably wasn’t as big back then as it is now.
Like, you know, we, we’re seeing this kind of explosion of subject matter experts and so many of them now that it’s become a huge, huge industry. So when I started off, used the company name as the main kind of marketing that we did and everything we did was based around that. So it was all bigfanta.com For example. And it’s funny because, um, there, there wasn’t a kind of direct association with myself and that brand, the brand in my mind was Yeah, an entity in itself. So everything that we did, it was as if bigfanta was the main person in that business and it had its own set of mission, vision, purpose, its own kind of professional way of doing things. So everything that was done was done under that brand as a, as a kind of ideology. Then later on in life when I started, when I specialised in study niching into working with subject matter experts and working with coaches, consultants and helping them position themselves, I started to look at , what I was all about, what I stood for as an individual.
And when I did that I realised that you know, I, I was an expert in helping other experts become experts, if that makes sense. Quite interesting. So then I basically had this, you know, thought about, well shall I do some sort of profile profiler website and that’s when I set up jatinderpalaha.com So that website now I don’t do any blogging or anything on that. It’s just merely a profile site. So if anybody googled me from there, they can basically get to my website, which would then direct them to all the other things that are maybe up to. And so then I separated out the whole kind of concepts. So bigfanta.com is the design web design, a digital marketing agency that just solely on, you know, web design productions, online funnels, photos, processes and things like that. So that was then used as just a, a production house.
And then as I kind of expanded on that and just what I was doing, I got interested in actually, you know, training and educating and helping other people understand the digital space. And what I found was one of my skills was that I was able to make technology seem simple. So I used to simplify the way things work. And so if I took a non-techie I could talk to them in a way that they get what was going on, even though they didn’t need to understand Technology I help it easy for them to kind of understand the processes and how to do things and how things plugged in and how they should be working. So then later on as I started thinking more about online training and education basically set up or came up with the idea of digital report and the whole idea of behind these to rapport was to actually dig deeper into the whole psychology of how, why we buy things online, how we are drawn to taking action and how basically what can be done and the psychology behind that on how we actually do things online and why, what works and what doesn’t work.
This is just been a keen interest for me because I’ve always had an interest in human psychology in how, the way we think and behave. So the whole idea behind digital rapport, it’s an idea as a concept is it’s kind of exactly what it says on the tin is it’s about creating digital rapport or I then decide to do was bake. Make this my main marketing arm and main kind of marketing hub if you want to call it a driver. So many of my blogs or podcasts or my thoughts around digital technology and human behaviour, and now put on digital hyphen rapport.com so you can see that I started to separate out the different things and as I was doing that I was just looking at in a different way, to see How can I compartmentalise these things? Um, even though there are a bit of crossovers, but what is it that I mainly want to focus on?
It’s good to write down everything that you’re up to, everything that you’re working on, print on a piece of paper and see if you’re going to be … just saw this humongous rat-running that distracted with. So yeah, I write everything down on a piece of paper and look at it from a kind of perspective of how is it that you want to be presenting yourself? What is it that you want to be putting out there and what’s going to be the best way to do that? So it works in many different ways. I got lots of clients, for example, business mentor, and he runs this website called SukhiWahiwala.com as a profile, a website that’s about people who want to know who Suki is, what is about, they go to our website, we’ve got other clients such as Kezia Nobel who’s the world’s leading female dating coach for men.
And she’s got her own brand and name and she uses that as a main website. And then we’ve got um, the local businesses, will have a company name that they use for their marketing. You know, they might be local something plumbers for example, and they use that as their main marketing website. Some people have a methodology and they use that methodology as the main website. So one of my clients, a gentleman called Bruce King, he’s got his profile or website, which is Bruce King. Dot Co.UK. And then he’s got his own sales and marketing platform, which is sales coaching online.com. And he uses that as his, um, platform to drive people for learning about how to do sales, how to become an effective sales person. Yeah. So when I get clients now, this is one of the activities that we do. We sit down and chat and see what it is that they want to do.
Do they actually want to be known as the expert in a certain topic or industry, in which case they would be using the domain name, sorry, the name as a domain name and the main website and driving people around there sending people to that and doing their blogging and all their thoughts and everything on that website and then pushing people over to like a sales page or a squeeze page in order to sell the products and services. And then some people have marketing agencies for example, so they’ll have a name for the agency and then they do anything around the marketing agency kind of work around that website. So it’s when you start to kind of fragment segregate the different things that you do and you start to get a bit more clarity on what it is that you trying to do and who is your target audience and who is it that you want to work with.
It starts to become a bit more clear as to what you should be using. So if you see that, you know everything that you’re doing is about your own kind of method, our your own message helping people with particular problems and then there’s no harm in using your own name as you main marketing arm. But if you have like a product or a service, then you may want to have that as a kind of individual, um, set up. Now if you’re an individual, one of the challenges that you have is that if you start to have multiple domain names and multiple hosting accounts, multiple websites it starts to, you basically end up doing this space, meaning that you’re putting your energy in many different places and it gets dispersed, which means you can’t a hundred percent focus on the one main thing that could be bringing you in your main kind of income.
So the key is to look around and see what is it that’s bringing in your main income for you, you know, and then what you do make that rover. And that has an initial step because in order to kind of grow, you need to have, you know, marketing spend some sort of budget that you can use to actually do marketing with. And you’re not going to be able to do that if you’re not selling. And nowadays there’s a lot of noise online, lots of people doing lots of things. But when you dig deeper, it’s not bringing in the ROI. And in most cases people will have something else that’s bringing in the money for them. And then this other thing is probably like a side hustle, which is fine. It’s not a problem because sometimes in life you have to build things up in parallel.
You know, you can’t, you shouldn’t really jump ship if, um, whatever you’re working on, isn’t it supporting your kind of just normal lifestyle. So there’s no harm in, you know, carrying on or working even in the job or doing something else while you’re actually putting a bit of money aside for kind of seed capital kind of stuff. Right? So, uh, money you can reinvest into something that you really want to be doing or working on. So it’s good to be strategic about these things and not be silly because it does happen. Sometimes you hear these things. So you know, um, it’s good to be kind of tactical about how you go about doing that. So the key is to really, I would say first get focused on what it is that you’re, what problem is it that you’re solving, right? Who’s that target audience? Who, who are the people that need help? And then you know, your message would then be based around that. So even if it’s a company name that you use, or even if it’s your personal brand, your message has to be the thing that’s made, is clear. You know, who is it that you work for? Who is it that you help, who do you support? And then you base things around that and make that your key focus. We can get a look deeper on this topic because there’s a lot that you can
talk about and lots of things that you kind of end up working around or thinking about and doing. But the main thing is around your messaging. You know, what is it that you do? Who is, what problem are you solving? Who is it that you want to help? Once you get clarity on that, the rest of it tends to fall into place because you have a key focus. You have that anchor, that point at which your business revolves around really what you know, what’s the key thing that you’re working on. So for example, with my web design company the main focus is web design is on everything related to web design in the sense of you know, domains hosting, web design, sales funnels, processes and things like that. And um, so it’s, it’s become super focused, you know, so you know exactly what it is.
And then we’ve got, you could have multiple niches that you work with because um, you, you can be highly targeted. You, there can be multiple niches that you work with. So for example, with ourselves, with the web design, you know, we, work with a lot of small businesses start ups, local businesses as, as a kind of generic approach. But we’re highly targeted and in specialising in working with subject matter experts that if you’re a coach, consultant, author, Mentor, facilitator, trainer, that type of thing. For those we have go optimum processes that we can use to help position you online so we know what we are highly targeted around. And once that, um, becomes clear, then it would be easier for you to identify whether you should be using your name as your main marketing driver or whether you should be using a, a product, oh sorry, a company name or up or a concept or idea name.
Like for example, digital rapport is an idea as a concept. And so the work I’m doing around that revolves around online rapport, connecting with people online and how to go about it and the psychology behind it, you know? And then you got jatinderpalaha.com Which is just my profiler website. It just tells you what I do on my that whereas all my marketing activities going on now on digital rapport and then you have bigfanta.com which is a separate entity. So these things are separated out. So it just gives a bit of clarity as to what needs to be done where, yeah, I hope that’s been useful. Helps out. There have been insights in that into what you could be doing. If something wasn’t clear, then do let me know. Do get in touch, let me know. Um, you know, drop me an email, contact me through social media or the contact page on my website and let me know, give me a feedback if there’s anything else that you want clarity on. I’m more than happy to share. Um, yeah, just uh, let me know. So I’ve got to the end of my work. I’m just sitting in my car now and there’s such a beautiful day. Yes, it’s good. It’s good to just kind of talk and get things out of your mind. He just helps you get a bit more present, which is really, really cool. So yes, thank you for listening. And like I say, if you have any questions, let me know and I’ll catch your next one.
Digital Business Coach | Web Revenue Strategist | Award-Winning IT Consultant | Author
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With over 18 years of industry experience in business and personal development, I’ve successfully been working with coaches, consultants and authors set up the right systems and implement strategic content strategies to start, grow and scale their businesses online with automation, digital products and services. (To work with Jatinder – click here)