For aspiring Coaches, Consultants/Freelancers
Unlock Your Niche, Get Clarity on What Makes You Different, and Create a Sustainable Online Business
Niche Market Authority is a concise online course that helps you identify a profitable niche that matches your skills and knowledge, so you can build a business and serve the industry you can become passionate about, whilst making the income you deserve.

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Unlock Your Niche And Get Clear On What Makes You Different So You Can Standout Online
Niche Market Authority is a concise online course that helps you identify a profitable niche that matches your skills and knowledge, so you can build a business and serve the industry you can become passionate about, whilst making the income you deserve.
Feeling Stuck?
Does The Following Resonate?
If you don’t laser-focus your niche and connect with your audience, your digital marketing will always be a massive uphill struggle. Most coaches and consultants forget this crucial fundamental aspect of their business.
Don’t be one of them.
Instead, Turn Your Skills and Knowledge Into a Profitable Coaching or Consulting Business Online Where You Can Add the Most Value, Based Around What You Know and Do Best!
“When I combined my skills and knowledge, the mission became clear, and everything magically fell into place. When you know your niche and target audience and have a solution to a problem, turning your skills and knowledge into a profitable, authoritative business online becomes so much easier. Why? Because you know exactly whom you’re helping and how to do it, so you automatically start to attract the right clients that need your services” - Jatinder Palaha.
More and more people want to start their own business, and there are many advantages to this, like setting your own hours and controlling what you sell.
Unfortunately, many new business owners fail within their first year.
While it isn’t for lack of effort, those looking to start a new coaching or consulting business online fail to complete the crucial first step; they fail to do the research and find a viable and profitable niche that suits their skill set. When you find the perfect niche to focus your time, money, and effort on, you are far more likely to succeed in business.
The 3 Big Problems Your Should Be Aware of
Problem 1
Trying to cater to a broad audience puts you in direct competition with larger businesses.
If you don’t narrow down your market significantly, you try to please too many people. This mass-market approach weakens your offering and leaves you battling larger businesses that are already known as leaders in that particular field.
Problem 2
The wrong niche leads to wasted hours, low income, and no satisfaction.
When choosing a niche for your business, you can also go too narrow or too wide, and this can lead to a minimal client or prospect pool. Even if you become a leader in your micro-niche, you may not earn enough to meet your financial needs.
Problem 3
You can’t make money online by jumping from one thing to another.
There is a lot of noise out there already, will you too just be adding to it?
Getting super focused on those you can help and get results for will enable you to work with a highly targeted niche for better overall results.
The Biggest Problem Experts Struggle With When Running a Successful Coaching or Consulting Business Is Not Having Identified a Specific Market Segment Where They Can Add the Most Value.
Most Coaches Do Not Nail Their Niche. They Rush Into Business Without Narrowing Down the Market, Which Can Be Fatal to Their Success.
If you can find a viable and profitable niche to focus your time, money, and effort on, you are far more likely to succeed in business. And if you’re concerned that spending time researching a profitable niche will keep you from starting your business, here are some great reasons why you need to do it:
A niche will:
If your biggest problem is not knowing where to begin and you don’t have the first clue about how to get started, you’re not alone.
Luckily, Niche Market Authority is a step-by-step process that can guide you to a market segment based around your skills and knowledge.
This comprehensive training covers everything you need to identify your niche so you can stand out from the crowd and be successful.
I put this course together to help you solve that “too broad” or “too narrow” market approach many entrepreneurs adopt.

I was a web designer straight out of university, working in IT and also trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my new found passion for personal development, while trying to expand my understanding of the mind and human behaviour in the workplace.
Did I want to become a life coach? Was I thinking about changing my career entirely?
A friend told me that most life coaches were broke, and only a few were highly successful, which was sad and a problem for me, because the coaches I had met were amazing people.
My friend’s advice was, “if you are thinking about switching career paths, make sure you know how to make money from it too!”.
So, I had to figure out how to be successful using the knowledge I had, and how I could combine my interest in personal development and human behaviour with my IT skills, all of which I was passionate about. Piece of cake eh?!
Then one day at an event, an amazing businesswoman showed me how experts build empires using online sales funnels and information products (ebooks, online courses, webinars etc.).
And that was my aha moment, where I realised the key to my success! I could see a way to blend technology and personal development and create information products and digital media with sales funnels.
It became crystal clear how I could serve this industry by combining my two passions. I planned to work with subject matter experts and help them succeed online, and the way I viewed the coaching and consulting space changed forever.
Shortly after this realisation, I started working closely with a business mentor who was an author and coach. I set up a sales funnel for one of his products, which succeeded in bringing in sales both online and offline for live events, and I continued to hustle and drive traffic to the sales page.
After that, we started creating NEW products because we now had a process to sell virtually anything we came up with. And I didn’t stop there. Building on that success, I decided to upskill in digital strategy, implementation, and marketing, and I developed the Digital SIMAC Method™. My goal was to become the go-to service provider for web services to the personal development industry and to help experts get their message out to the masses, so I set my plan in motion.
After years of testing, trialling, and implementing it became apparent that the place to start for any service-based expert is with choosing their niche.
And so Niche Market Authority was born.
I’m so excited to share this so that you can get results in your business.
In this course, I give you a pathway to follow to help you match your skills and knowledge to your ideal niche and get you targeted leads and sales both online and offline!
For you, it all starts with knowing your target audience, the niche that you want to serve, and the problem can you help solve with the skills and knowledge you possess.
And this ‘problem solving phase’ begins with “Niche Market Authority”.
Awarding winning IT consultant, Digital Business Consultant, Author, Web Revenue Strategist
Would it benefit you to know which steps to take, and in which order, while removing any confusion and getting laser-focused, so you can use your skills and knowledge to build a profitable, coaching/consulting business online?
Successful niche coaching or consulting doesn’t have to be a hit-or-miss proposition. You really can improve your odds of succeeding in business dramatically by simply following a proven niche selection process:
Niche Market Authority

Four detailed modules on how to match your skills and knowledge to your best-suited niche business.
Align with your passion and purpose by serving an industry you love and helping others grow.
Know your business and business options
Evaluate the potential for success in your niche
Niche it down (narrow your target market)
Refine your niche over time

I’ll show you the benefits of uncovering a profitable niche that will be the foundation of your business for years to come.

This is where we go deep and get clarity around your skills, interests, and knowledge and where there are potential opportunities, so you can start seeing all your niche possibilities.

I’ll guide you through the essential tactics for evaluating potential ideas so that you’ll know whether you can compete and be profitable.

We’ll discuss the importance of knowing your customers and target market, so you’ll be able to uncover profitable micro-niche opportunities.

In this module, we’ll discuss the methods for monitoring your niche so that you won’t get stuck as your niche changes over time.

Now we create your action plan for moving forward, so you’ll be ready and motivated to implement everything you learned immediately after you have done the course.

You also get:
THE WORKBOOK - to complement the activities outlined in the course, so you can take action and get results.
A SUMMARY CHECKLIST - covering all the key points of the course, so you have a quick reference guide.
A LIST OF TOOLS - for identifying your niche, so that you have resources to pick from to help you with the niche selection process.
With this course, you get all the tools you need to create a business you love for one insane price.

14 day money back Guarantee (If you have not taken action within 14 days then when will you?)
Like anything in life, if you want results, you must make a commitment to yourself and take action. It takes dedicated time and effort, and there’s no overnight success formula or get rich quick scheme. The secret to growing your business online is based around four pillars - follow these, and success will surely follow:
Pillar 1 - Create A Plan (using the modules above)
Pillar 2 - Dedicate Focused Time (set aside time and implement what I share with you)
Pillar 3 - Be Disciplined (allocate the time, then stay on task)
Pillar 4 - Be Consistent (apply what you learn - show up and get it done)
These four pillars are the keys to opening the door to online success, so take action today. And when you enrol now, you get fourteen days to explore the materials and make sure this course is right for you. If it isn’t, I’ll refund your money, with no questions asked.
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of business can Niche Market Authority help?
This course is ideal for Service-Based Experts (Coaches, Trainers, Consultants, Mentors, Influencers, Speakers, Authors, Facilitators and Teachers), but anyone who would like to improve their results online can benefit.
What’s inside the course?
The course consists of the modules, lessons and worksheets listed above.
How do I access the content?
You’ll receive an email containing your login details so you can access the member’s area and course content.
How long will the course take me to complete?
With dedicated focus, you could complete the course in 2-3 days. If you are working around other projects, my suggestion would be that you allocate approximately 1 hour per day and work through at your own pace.
How long do I have access to the course for?
You have lifetime access to the course.
Brought to you by Digital Rapport® / Jatinder Palaha
Jatinder Singh Palaha - is an Award-winning IT Consultant, Digital Business Coach, Web Strategist, Author and Personal Development Enthusiast. He helps Entrepreneurs, Speakers, Authors, Mentors, Coaches, Facilitators, Trainers, Subject Matter Experts, and Teachers grow their businesses online.