Interview: What is Mental Health and How Can You Improve Your Mindset?
To mark Mental Health Awareness Week #mentalhealthweek, Jeet Kune Do instructor, teacher and trainer Sifu Lak Loi, is interviewed by consultant and digital strategist Jatinder Palaha about #MentalHealth, personal strategies to improve mental health, manage, and aid your mental health, and more.
Highlights :
- Lak’s 9 steps to #SelfMastery
- The spiral of creation
- The link between Martial Arts and Mental Health
- Learn the art of “dying”
- Why does the body become unhealthy?
- How movement is linked to your state
- Good or bad habits
- The two most important days of your life
- The universe sends you agents of suffering
- Why happiness is a hoax
- and much more.
Martial Mind Power, by Lak Loi, uses martial arts inspired by #BruceLee, ancient wisdom, and self-mastery principles to help provide better mental health for a modern age. To learn more, check out Lak’s books here:
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