Inspiration Bible

I am blessed to be an official Contributor in the heart-opening book for humanity, Inspiration Bible: The Unseen Force Transforming Lives Worldwide! A powerful philanthropic book devoted to uplifting humanity, one day at a time, from teenagers who are struggling to find themselves to adults with challenges to the elderly who are giving up on life. The Inspiration Bible is a much-needed beacon of love and wisdom to bring people through their darkest moments and raise them up to live the life they dream of.

This book shares my poem as well as 364 other people from over 15 countries; it will deeply move you. We are dedicated to spreading inspiration around the globe as every second book is given away for FREE to someone in need of hope/inspiration/encouragement!

If you would like to order your copy or share this with others please click here

Inspiration Bible: The Unseen Force Transforming Lives Worldwide is a powerful book devoted to uplifting humanity, one day at a time, from teenagers who are struggling to find themselves to adults with challenges to the elderly who are giving up on life. The Inspiration Bible is a much-needed beacon of love and wisdom to bring people through their darkest moments and raise them up to live the life they dream of.

Termed as: “The Book That Keeps on Giving,” the Inspiration Bible has a unique philanthropic aspect to it: For every copy of the book purchased, a second copy is given away for FREE to someone needing inspiration.

This means the power is DOUBLED whenever someone buys the book, giving the gift of inspiration to thousands of people around the world – so that one more life is influenced, one more life is changed and one more dream is awakened.

Inspiration Bible | A Book For Humanity

Brought to life by Emily Gowor, Inspiration Bible is a book compiled of one-page entries from 365 people globally sharing a message that will inspire you.

From life wisdom to stories of overcoming adversity, Inspiration Bible is a book you can call on every day of the year for the inspiration you need – featuring one person and one story all year round.

So, not only can you become inspired yourself, but you can raise hope for another person somewhere in the world.

Through this philanthropic approach, the Inspiration Bible is set to influence thousands of lives globally – the potential is humbling.

Click here to secure your copy of the Inspiration Bible

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