I want to share with you 15 simple, yet effective trust-building phrases that can be used in almost any area of your life to build trust easily. These phrases are useful for getting past initial conversations with strangers or even deepening your relationship in business, friends and family members. Not only that but I’ll tell you why each phrase works and offer a few examples so you can start using them today!
Some of these can be used in the written word, and all of them can be used in conversation to build trust and rapport with almost anyone.
As humans, we have a degree of scepticism. We are very easily persuaded, but sometimes we just have doubts. Whether it be from a sales advertisement, political comments, or just from the things people say to us on a daily basis. This causes us to be sceptical because we want to be sure that we are getting the full story and know everything there is to know before we make any decisions. Along with a great product or service, one of the best ways to build credibility and credibility is trust-building phrases.

- How To Build Trust with 15 Useful Phrases
- 1: “What can I do to help?”
- 2: “Hi! You’re looking…”
- 3: “I trust your judgment.”
- 4: “I understand what you’re saying.”
- 5: “Can you give me a hand?”
- 6: “In my opinion…”
- 7: “This is my side.”
- 8: “How do you think that went?”
- 9: “That was my fault.”
- 10: “What can I do differently?
- 11: “I think you know my friend.”
- 12: “I’m all ears.”
- 13: “Uh-huh, I see.”
- 14: “Sorry about the…”
- 15: “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
- Conclusion
How To Build Trust with 15 Useful Phrases
1: “What can I do to help?”
This question lets others know you’re on their side. They see you as someone they can rely on. And helping them out now can make it more likely they will help you when you really need it, too.
2: “Hi! You’re looking…”
Instead of, “How are you,” build a deeper conversation with an emotional tie by commenting on how they’re looking great, happy, rested, pleased and so forth.
3: “I trust your judgment.”
Don’t micromanage people. Instead, let them know your goal for them and then let them execute the plan however they see fit. When you give them control of their lives, it shows you trust them.
4: “I understand what you’re saying.”
You might not agree with what they’re saying, but you can still show you respect their beliefs.
5: “Can you give me a hand?”
When you admit you’ve made a mistake, asking for someone else’s help make you seem more trustworthy to that person. In studies, they’ve found that people view those who seek their advice as more competent than those who do not seek their advice.
6: “In my opinion…”
When you’re about to disagree, transition with something that seems more open than “I” statements. “Others suggest…” also works well.
7: “This is my side.”
When you start out with this phrase, you’re letting others know that you acknowledge their thoughts and feelings are as valid as yours and you’re aware they may see things differently. This works great in opinion pieces on your blog and social media, because it invites others to share what’s on their minds, too, and do it in a respectful manner.
8: “How do you think that went?”
If you’re starting a conversation about how someone can improve, let them gauge their success by their own standards. Starting with your judgments could make them clam up and be less receptive to anything you share.
9: “That was my fault.”
Mistakes don’t kill your credibility if you accept your shortcomings and show that you’re human. People who are imperfect are actually more attractive to us. This is why you should never adopt the, “I’m the perfect guru of XYZ niche” online, but instead let your readers know about your mistakes and how you’re working to overcome them.
10: “What can I do differently?
Let others know that you are open to positive change, whether it’s changing yourself or changes you can make to help others.
11: “I think you know my friend.”
We’re attracted to people who look like us, talk like us or have similar interests or friends. If you’re introducing yourself to someone online, mention people that you have in common.
12: “I’m all ears.”
People want you and need you to listen to them. Letting them know you’re listening is the first step. Really listening is the second. You can use this online as well. “Tell me about the biggest problem you’re having in your business. I’m all ears, because I want to help you.”
13: “Uh-huh, I see.”
Using non-word sounds like “em-hm” or “uh-huh” when someone is talking to you shows that you’re interested, which encourages them to trust you more. Is shows you’re paying attention and you’re interested. But don’t make more noises than what feels natural, or you’ll come off as being insincere.
14: “Sorry about the…”
A study found that people are quicker to trust people who start a conversation by apologizing for something they’re not responsible for. For example, if a Craigslist seller apologizes for the rain, people feel the person is more trustworthy than if they made a neutral comment or no comment at all.
15: “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Giving credit where credit is due and showing your gratitude for the help received shows others that their contributions are valued. When someone helps you online, be sure to thank them and acknowledge them for what they’ve done. If appropriate, thank them privately (such as by email or phone call) and publicly (such as social media or in a blog post.)
These trust-building phrases can be used at almost any time for almost any occasion. Say them out loud to the person you’re meeting with, or send a few emails to demonstrate your own comfort and reliability. The more you use these tools, the more comfortable you will become with them and the more likely it is that people will begin to open up and trust you.