Content Connection Strategies
Turn Your Website into a Sales and Marketing Machine Without Advertising or Social media
A Complete Step By Step Content Strategy System that Helps You Increase Traffic To Your Business Blog or Website Without Advertising or Social Media - content that attracts attention and drives visitors to your site
Do Your Website Results Embarrass You?
If you want more visitors to your website, more customers and more sales read this page and discover how you can double your website traffic with the right site setup
Your business website is the most important asset you own, and often it can make or break your visitor’s first experience with you. If they land on a page and can’t find what they want, or if they don’t like what they see, they’ll probably leave and never come back. On the other hand, if they land on a page and your content engages and draws them in, it can be the start of a beautiful, profitable relationship!
The Problem:
Websites are often designed with the goal of getting visitors to take some kind of action, such as buying a product or signing up for a newsletter.
However, most websites fail to achieve this goal. In fact, studies have shown that people typically spend less than 15 seconds on a website before moving on to something else. There are a number of reasons, but one of the most important is that they often lack good relevant content. Content is what keeps people interested in a website; it's what makes them want to stay on the site and keep coming back.
So why do websites fail to keep people's attention?
There are a few different reasons why websites don’t convert.
Theres no content strategy that clearly connects with the user. In most cases website talk about what they can do instead of highlighting how your service can help the user from their perspective.
Website doesn’t have an effective call-to-action and dont have a clear message that resonates with the ideal user. Visitors to the site won’t be motivated to take any action if there isn't an obvious button or link that tells them what they should be doing next. Additionally, the website may be too complicated or cumbersome to navigate, making it difficult for visitors to find what they need. Poor design is another factor that can lead to low conversion rates.
If the site doesn’t look attractive or professional, people are less likely to stick around and explore the content.
Slow page-load times can be a major issue. People will quickly give up on a website if they have to wait too long for the pages to load. Improving any of these issues can help increase conversions and make your website more successful.
It's also important to consider the demographics of your visitors. If you're targeting a younger audience, for example, you may need to adjust the design and content of your website accordingly. You'll also want to ensure that the message you’re sending is clear, concise, and resonates with your target demographic. By doing this, you can make sure that your website appeals to the right people and increases conversions.
There are a variety of factors that can influence how well a website converts. From an effective call-to-action and fast page-load times to relevant content and attractive design, it’s important to take all of these elements into account in order to ensure your website’s success. With the right strategies in place, you can maximize conversions and get the most out of your website.
The Solution:
Without good content, a website is nothing more than a digital brochure. It might look nice, but it won't do anything to engage visitors or encourage them to take action. Or attract the ideal person.
If you want your website to be successful, you need to make sure it has high-quality, relevant content that will keep people coming back for more.
This is easier said than done, of course. Creating good content takes time and effort, but it's worth it if you want your website to be successful. But its not only the content but the way your website is structured. A proper structured website make its easy for search engins understand what your site is all about. Once you have structured quality content on your site, you'll be well on your way to making it a success.
How do you make sure your website is one that people want to explore?
It comes down to strategic content pages that every business website MUST HAVE.
Each of those critical pages needs to contain the content that your target visitor wants, AND Your pages need to have a clear goal and specific call to action.
You’ve seen how blogs can build fortunes and create celebrities. If You're a coach/consultant or author and have benefited from others skills and expertise then you have a message to share with your readers that will benefit them. BUT you may be wondering why this blogging thing works for others but not for you?
I hate to be blunt … but you’re probably putting all your efforts into the wrong things.
And there’s an audience who desperately want to hear what you have to say… but they don’t know how to find you.
If you are reading this you take your web/blog seriously, but passion isn’t enough. You need a guiding hand to lead you through the temptations that distract you from your ultimate goal. You need to clear the cobwebs and accept help. Only by accepting help can you learn how to give it. What’s important for you to know is that your blog can flourish without breaking your heart from unrewarded effort.
How do you know what content will do the trick?
Most websites usually don't do a good job of attracting the right people, keeping them on the site and converting them to customers. The common pages such as Home Page, About Page, Contact Us etc are not setup correctly and they have no blog structure which can be used effectively to attract organic traffic.
The biggest stumbling block for business owners is not knowing what to put on their webpages and why they need certain key pages. Over the years I have seen this has been the biggest challenge small business owners face and a key reasons why projects get delayed ... they have no structure or idea of what should be on the webpages. Having been a web designer they most often use to say I'll get you the content just make me the website... then they dont get back to you on time because they are not sure what to actually put on on pages. But what if you knew exactly what needs to be on the pages?
If you want to succeed where you previously failed… you’re in the right place.
Almost every single small business owner, coach, consultant or author who ever put fingers to keyboard has obsessed over their blog to the point that they felt sick in their stomach at getting nowhere. They knew they were going in the wrong direction, but felt helpless to do anything about it.
This course link on tis page addresses that problem and not only shows you the most important pages for your website but also tells you exactly what you need to have on those pages and why. The content on your pages is key to attracting your ideal clients. Now it's even easier to get this done.
Nobody knows your business better than you. So now you can create structured content which showcases your business in most efficient way and works together with other sections of your site to get your the best.
Creating and posting relevant, fresh, and searchable content is critical to your website's success however just updating your blog or a page here and there without a strategic goal is useless.
Sites dont just rank because of regular posting. The content has to be written with search intent in mind... what is the user looking for and an understanding of how search engines rank sites in the first place and based on what criteria. All things which you must at least know about so you can create epic content with the correct site structure optimised for organic search.
As you know developing your website/blog is essential for your business but it isn't a one time event. Content creation is ongoing strategic process, It’s an ongoing process of testing, tweaking and anticipating what your audience wants based on data and research.
Fortunately, getting the results you want doesn’t mean your website needs a complete overhaul. With creative and strategic thinking about what content you publish and how you put it all together can give you a big leap forward in achieving your business website goals. And when you apply even two or three new strategies you'll notice a big difference in traffic and conversations.
Is your website a lead-generating, high-converting, and an engaging place for your visitors to come back to Or is it just a site people see, glance at, and leave?
Content Strategies That Work Even in the Twenty Twenties
Time: “I don’t have time to write.”
Money: “I can’t afford a premium theme or those expensive plugins.”
Effort: “I have no clue how to figure out who my ideal reader is.”
But What every successful blogger has learned is how to:
Save Time: “I know how to create content people are likely to share because it answers their questions.”
Make Money: “I know exactly what pain I can solve for my ideal customer that they will gladly put their hand in their pocket to pay for."
Enjoy the Effort: “Now I have a clear plan, I enjoy what I do instead of stressing over what to do next.”
Your Website and Blog Should Serve as an Embassy for Brand “You”
Because... It’s a 24-hour showroom for your business. It’s built on a solid foundation of content that readers hasten to share and link to It it because its engaging – your readers want to connect with you on social media where they are happy to help spread the word about your blog
So Start Doing the Right Things at the Right Time
They say that an infinite number of monkeys given an infinite amount of typewriters could come up with the works of Shakespeare, but ask yourself this:
Do you have an infinite amount of time to trial your ideas?
Every minute you waste on trial and error deprives your audience of the solutions they need. Even an average workman can build something of monumental significance when they master the simple task of building one block on top of another. But you’re not average. Your blog and your content is not average. Let’s show the world what you’ve got!
You can learn not only how to create a world class web content and an outstanding blog…
…but how to make a difference that gets noticed … changes how people think … builds your brand… creates an additional income.
I’ve outlined all the details you need to follow in my course.
The course linked on this page has be designed to help you get the most out of your website and blog without having to rebuild it. It will show you what content to create and how to structure it not just as an independent piece but also how other content pieces interlink to make your strong post stronger and more appealing for organic reach.
With my easy-to-follow course, there are no short cuts, no sneaky tactics or fast tracks to success. There are no push button riches, no loopholes. Just the building blocks most people overlook.
I’ll walk you through a step-by-step process for defining what your ideal reader wants from you.
You’ll finally be able to escape the crushing expectation to constantly write new material and focus on quality, not quantity.
You’ll understand key blogging trends to bring your blog bang up to date with modern blogging styles when you understand how to take advantage of blog length, images and metrics and You’ll find out how to make money from your blog.
In this course you will learn how to:
Websites That Convert
Whats Covered In The Modules?
Part 1 - Key Strategic Web Pages
Everything you need to know in order to Correctly Setup Your Key Strategic Website Content Pages That Make the Difference Between ‘Wow’ and ‘Goodbye’
You'll be surprised how much business owners struggle to create content for the main key pages of a website. Most of the time it's because they simply have not been shown what should be on the pages and why. In this guide we share exactly what should be on the pages so they are setup correctly. Simple updates could help you outrank your competitor.
In Strategic Website Content, I’ll walk you through the 4 critical pages your business website needs, and how to write each one for the highest impact.
Module 1: Introduction: Determining the Key Pages for Your Website
We’ll start by revealing the key pages for your new website, or for modifying your current one. Your number 1 goal will be to better attract and engage your visitors, so you eventually convert them to loyal customers. You’ll be learning exactly what questions to ask yourself in order to make your website content decisions.
Module 2: Create a First-Rate Home Page
Next, you’ll outline a plan for a top notch website Home Page, using a process that will tell your user who you are, what you offer, and how you will assist them in meeting their goals or answering their questions or problems. You’ll be giving your visitor exactly what they need to know to spark their curiosity and continue to other pages on your site.
Module 3: Design Your Captivating About Us Page
In Module 3, you’ll find out the key components for creating an ‘About’ website page that draws in and engages your visitors, so that you can start to form a rapport with them and build a trusting relationship. This is often the first page that people will go to on your site!
Module 4: Begin with Your Start Here Page
Many people ignore the needs of first-time visitors to their site, so in this module we’ll show you a simple process for creating a Start Here or Welcome page that can give you a big advantage over your competitors. Your page will show first-time visitors that they’re in the right place, organise your site for them, and help them find the most important information that meets their needs.
Module 5: Create a Magnetic Blog That Keeps Readers Coming Back
Blogs are a terrific way to build your reputation as an influencer, improve your search engine results, and gather leads who you can convert to customers. In Module 5, you’ll outline a plan for a Blog page (or section of your site) that invites visitors to read more, expands your authority, and brings in more site traffic.
Module 6: Additional Critical Website Pages to Include
While we’ve covered the 4 most important website pages by this point, there are other critical pages to include too. In this module, you’ll discover the ones that every high-converting website needs for meeting customer demands and business goals, as well as pages that are specific to different types of businesses.
Module 7: Best Practices to Consider When Writing Your Website Content
By this point, you’ve learned all about the most important website pages and what to include on each. In Module 7, you’ll learn some proven best practices for actually writing the page content, so that it’s compelling AND user-friendly. These are simple guidelines that anyone can follow, even if you’re not a professional writer.
In the concluding module, you’ll spend time putting it all together. You’ll identify your next steps for creating or revising your website so that it attracts and engages visitors while strengthening customer relationships. And, you’ll put create an action plan and deadlines for getting it done.
Part 2 - Content Structure Strategies
There are 7 modules in the section. Here's an overview of each module's learning outcomes:
Module 1 – Laying the Foundation:
This is where you Evaluate Your Target Audience & Content. Before you dive in, it is essential to take stock of where your site currently stands. We'll then help you to analyse your target audience and conduct a website content review, giving you a clear picture of where you are, and where you need to be.
Module 2 – Rethink Your Website Design and Structure
Here you will learn how a site is structured and how it presents the information on it, as it can affect whether people stay and engage with the material or click away. In this module you will identify where you need to update the structure of your website and how your essential pages are presented, so you can increase visitor engagement and keep the visitors on your site for longer.
Module 3 – Incorporate Long-Form Content into Your Website
Module 4 – Three Long-Form Content Strategies to Boost Site Ranking and Visits
Module 5 – Add Short-Form Content to the Mix
Short-form content can lighten things up, provide a break, and draw new people in. It's also faster to create. Learn how to use online tools and audience feedback to generate new content ideas, including short-form content that will grab attention and engage new visitors.
Module 6 – Create Content to Support a Series
Module 7 – Conclusion and Next Steps
Creating ‘supercharged’ content is an ongoing process with many options, so you need to prioritise as you generate more and more ideas. Build confidence in creating strategic content for your site, so you can drive more traffic and sales. Review, consolidate and implement your learning and plan future action steps so you can achieve the goals you set.
Part 3 - Supercharge Your Blog
Are you frustrated with your blogging results?
Make Blogging Productive AND Profitable Mastering a Few Key Practices with blogging mastery.
With my easy-to-follow course, there are no short cuts, no sneaky tactics or fast tracks to success. There are no push button riches, no loopholes. Just the building blocks most people overlook.
Module 1: Modern Trends in Blogging
We’ll start off by discussing modern trends in blogging and what the most successful bloggers are doing. Take a close look at what’s not working in today’s blogosphere and what your metrics tell you should be going on with your blog.
Module 2: Define Your Audience
The reader profile, or avatar, is often a very confusing concept for bloggers (and copywriters, business people and authors). Discover the key to unlocking this secret without breaking a sweat. By the end of this module, you’ll know exactly who you’re writing for and how to pinpoint the things they want to hear about in your blog.
Module 3: Create Captivating and Shareable Content
Now we’ll get into the nitty-gritty of content creation…. How to take a big bunch of Quantity and put it through the grinder till the Quality comes out the other end.
We also go into the all-important formatting that makes pro content stand out from the posts that earn amateurs nothing but silence and bounces in the blogosphere.
Module 4: Share Your Posts for Maximum Reach and Engagement
We’ve gone into some depth about finding your ideal reader and creating the ideal content, so now we’ll move on to social media, which is a fun way to interact with your readers and get your content out there.
Automate your social media syndication using some effective tools and combine your efforts with the tools the pro marketers use for the highest ROI in digital marketing.
Module 5: How to Monetize and Turn Your Blog into a Profit-Making Business
By this point, you’ve clearly defined your niche, your reader, your content creation plan, and your social marketing strategy. In this module, you’ll learn different ways to monetize your content and your interactions with your readers and followers. We’ll help you discover the gold in your content and turn it into cash. use for the highest ROI in digital marketing.
Module 6: How to Create a Consistent Habit for Success
Everything you have learned so far is a foundation that needs consistent application. Here’s where you’ll find out how to create strong writing habits and structure a process that works for you. Blogging is not a one-size-fits-all pastime and without creating a process that suits your specific strengths and weaknesses, your hard work will continue to be undiscovered greatness.
Take charge of your blog and carve it into a solid piece of internet real estate that rewards your regular writing habit with a solid income stream.
No one other than a successful blogger knows just how tough it can be to survive and thrive without direction, so each module in this course comes with action steps in the form of learning activities to help guide you toward success.
Blogging Mastery is the Key to Survival in the Blogosphere of the 21st Century
It’s time to stop “trying out” blogging and start mastering it.
If you’ve lost your way… if you struggle to demonstrate how valuable you are to your readers… if you want to communicate from your heart while earning a living…
This course is for you!
Just click on the button below and join us.
Who This is Not For
Who This is For
Bonus Bundle Included With this Offer
Niche Market Authority - Nail Your Niche (Worth $97)
Unlock Your Niche, Get Clarity on What Makes You Different, and Create a Sustainable Online Business. Niche Market Authority is a concise online course that helps you identify a profitable niche that matches your skills and knowledge, so you can build a business and serve the industry you can become passionate about, whilst making the income you deserve.
How To Create Your Ideal Customer Profile (Worth $97)
Having an ideal customer profile helps you not only attract income, but also allows you to develop the longer-term marketing you need for your products and services. When you know exactly who you’re talking to and what they’re looking for, your strategy will be more successful. An ideal customer profile will also help you with your branding, lead generation, community building, content creation, and product development.
Low Ticket Product Bootcamp (Worth $97)
When done well, low-content products are an amazing way to generate an income or an additional revenue stream. This is a five-module course I put together to help you create high-impact products with a low amount of content. I’ll show you not only how to get started, but how to market your low-content products with ease.
When you have a website that welcomes visitors, engages their interest, and gives them what they’re looking for…
All of your marketing will see drastically higher results.
Even if you have an existing website you can still get amazing results. Organic progress will provide the best results but it can take time but can be quicker when done strategically and when you treat your website like a business vs a static brochure or hobby.
Implementing even a few of the guidelines in my course will make a huge difference in how your visitors react to your site. And as you implement more and more of what you learn…
You’ll see your website traffic quickly climb, your relationships with readers grow exponentially, and your customer conversions skyrocket.
Are you ready to start creating a business website that will push you faster towards your goals?
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In life and business it's best to conserve both energy and time which are the two crucial components in creating an efficient flow. Aim to become economical in the way you run your business and work flow and realise that the simplest things work best.
When you create efficiency with a direct approach you create simplicity in your business.
- Be Efficient - Quickest path from point A to Point B
- Direct Path - Cut through the digital noise
- Keep It Simple - Without ornamentation
Jatinder Palaha - Award winning IT Consultant, Digital Strategist, Author and Personal Development Enthusiast.
Digital Rapport® by Jatinder Palaha - Helping Subject Matter Experts, grow their business online.
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We want you to take action and implement what you learn. But also understand that these are not overnight get rich strategies. It can take time to see results and hence does depend on you implementing what you learn and optimising your content for your audience over time. You do need to put the effort in.
If you are expecting over night riches this content is not for you. Please do not purchase.